Rapunzels in Real Life

10 Dec 2010

2Cool4Ice 13 year s ago
I want a new riddle, like the restaurant bill it was fun.
Who agrees?
olla 13 year s ago
it's all well and fine to grow your hair long, no special talent needed to do that. But at least get it trimmed once and a while to keep the ends healthy looking. #43 and #61 have the least split ends of the group, because it's been trimmed.

Oh, and donate it when you lob it off to a chic modern bob.
AnnaMolly 13 year s ago
No special talent... Well, that must be so boring to take care of this! o_o
Fenrisulven 13 year s ago
Not everyone is capable of growing such a long hair without too many spited ends. No talent is needed, but good genes is. The ability of growing long healthy hair is connected to good health and good genes.
;) 13 year s ago
Skyfather 13 year s ago
So beautiful! I think it's a shame that men aren't even allowed to grow their hair long without being looked down upon by today's social norms. Used to be, like Fenrisulven said, that men & women grew their hair long to show they were a good mate, longer hair = better genes. Same still applies today.
Quynn 13 year s ago
Why do I feel the need to sneak into their homes with a scissor ? :D
Mr. Ree 13 year s ago
I bet their pussy hair is at least a foot long too.
Gianna 13 year s ago
I can honestly say if someone snuck into my house with scissors, I've got a pistol and a baseball bat just waiting for intruders. it might not physically hurt to cut someone's hair, but it's still a form of assault, and it's not nearly as amusing as idiots tend to make it out to be. :eye roll:

that said, I think the last handful of pictures (the ones of children) especially adorable. I had hair down past my butt as a little kid, but my mom didn't like the constant upkeep and chopped it short after a while. yay, for little girls looking like girls.
hugh 13 year s ago
creepy, except number 30
GOODSTUFF4U 13 year s ago
the retro stuff is interesting - the color stuff is good also

the title is very good
lolipop 13 year s ago
its soo long.....wow........
lacroix 13 year s ago
Now I regret cutting my hair :(
Alkhoren 13 year s ago
Looong hair can be beautifull but their is a limit, of lenght and the type of the hair.
sharo 13 year s ago
rainbow colored hair = win
incognito562 13 year s ago
the first thing i thought of was the girl from the ring..
GROO 13 year s ago
L. 13 year s ago
You forgot Maria Vetsera and Sissi!
WiselyChosen 13 year s ago
Number 35 is my All Rights Reserved work. It was stolen from here:


I don't want my image on your site. Please delete it immediately.
How about no 13 year s ago
Super gross long hair to cover up mostly ugly faces. Imagine the drains in their houses~! Eyuck. Everything has a limit. Long, limp, split-ended hair is nothing special or attractive. And what a looney who's talking about shooting people up over a joke - and then in the same breath talking about cute children ahahh psycho
Neha 12 year s ago
Thank you so much for the lovely video and the bhnied the scene photos. We enjoyed the shooting process with Muse team and we really had a great time with you guys! You guys have been playing a vital role in guiding and adding color to our wedding Thank you again for your wholehearted devotion, let's meet up for BBQ (at your place ;p) when you are free!
Ben 12 year s ago
Thank you so much for the lovely video and the bhenid the scene photos. We enjoyed the shooting process with Muse team and we really had a great time with you guys! You guys have been playing a vital role in guiding and adding color to our wedding Thank you again for your wholehearted devotion, let's meet up for BBQ (at your place ;p) when you are free!
Sonsin 12 year s ago
hello poojahow u doin ? only p4s 7.73 is fine. dont touch itynhang else. no testinside and no actualtest. also prepare all the lab questions from it. they are only 4 or 5 of them. packet tracer 5.2 is a good handy tool to have some hands on experience with IOS commands. u can also download ccna preparations labs from up there. if u download it u need to install its key first then and only then u will be able to access the pdf file. do these and u r done. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY DIGEST THE FUNDAMENTALS AND U WILL GO CRAZY ABOUT THE CISCO STUFF. also watch trainsignal. i know most of the people find CHRIS BRYANT boring but trust me its really good. cheers mate. let me know of how much u scored. i want to know who scored 1000 / 1000.talhah
Takia 12 year s ago
hi poojathats atbelusoly fantastic but if u havent gone through any videos then i advise u to watch trainsignal or cbt nuggets also so that u become familiar with how things look on real devices and also do some hands on practice with IOS commands using packet tracer 5.2. but before doing all these just finish p4s couple of times. i think u still have time to do all these but if u find it time killing just concentrate on what u find best to do. all the best for the D DAY. and dont panic in the exam. want any sort of help let the forum know.talhah
Erol 12 year s ago
Good question Doug! I don't uslaluy put people's names on the web without their permission, but in the age of Facebook and given that I know these guys have their own online presences, in the top picture we are (left to right) Brian Gee, Marty Bresnahan, Brian Hoots, Bill Hewitt, and yours truly.
Nikos 12 year s ago
HEEYYY!!! After 2 years I've noticed that my hair brkaes frequently especially after I did some weave. I want to go natural too because it seems easier to treat the hair alone (without hair dresser). I watched your clips and want to know HOW I can treat them best, WHAT I have to consider (washing, washing periods) and WHAT products best to use. Would be nice to get a reply. I wanted to mail you but couldn't find the buttom for it on your page. God bless. LOVE YOUR HAIR

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