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some of the girls look taller and still hot just a lot more curves... then some really packed on weight either by bad eating habits or having a baby or 2..
I agree with the first post, Junk food & having kids.... then not knowing how to lose the extra baby weight.... then junk food.... then another baby.....
Don't blame junkfood - they did it to themselves. They don't have the self discipline to not have the cheese on the fries or by eating two cheeseburgers instead of just one.
Wow, seems like most of the fat went to their boobs, ginormous some of them! Not very nice, and heavy probably. It's crazy how much weight some of them gained, that's not just getting a bit chubbier after childbearing and getting older, that's chugging down the burgers and cokes and not caring one bit.
Yes, let's see what junk food does to guys! Eating is not why these women got bigger. NOT eating and destroying their health and subsequently their metabolism in order to attain impossible standards is why they got bigger. And in most cases, hotter.
Wow. Just flat out sexist & stupid. As a female myself, i do take some offense from this. On the other hand, it also shows what could happen to us if we eat like that, or dont eat at all. I think this is Stupid. Sexist. & Dumb.
There is nothing former about any of these beauties. Finding a balance and listening to your body is the best way to be healthy. It is a little cruel to display these women without their consent. By the way number 15 is even more attractive in her "after" photo. If I saw a girl like her I would be more attracted to her in her present state. By the way do you have her name or number? lol - seriously.
This is extremely tasteless, it's none of your business what these women look like and why, and posting their pictures here is just... well, there's a new definition for low. I also can't imagine women doing a similar thing about men, which tells a lot about our society and how women are viewed. Wouldn't be surprised if some of these women got an eating disorder after trying to desperately make themselves look like the impossible photoshopped picture no one is (or should be, for that matter).
Who ever said some looked better is either blind or retarded. How the hell could you even possibly have sex with those whales when her blubber covers her hole. Rolls of fat look ugly on any person - male or female.
Quit stuffing your faces and get off your fat asses.
This is the result of the American fast food and supermarket junk food system's that they have introduced to the world. It's even reeking havoc in Australia with over 60% overweight now. It's amazing just back in teh 70s I remember there were only a small portion of fat people. Now they are eevrywhere. As a divorced father of 2 and back on teh dating scene, I'm totally dismayed by single women in their 40s now ...95% are FAT! Disgusting! And many wonder why men may have sex with them but won't stay for a relationship. We realise they are still going to get worse.
Janeway, seriously? According to you, the reason they got fat is because when they were thinner they were starving themselves and ruined their metabolisms. So none of them could have just ate normally and looked the way they did, and then gained weight because they began making unhealthy choices? How fucking ridiculous. And I can't believe that some of you think they all look better in the second pics. I guess it should be expected though nowadays, with everyone being fat. That being said, why is this article only about women gaining weight? Men get fat too.
i think, as a (overweight) girl myself, those women must have felt horrible about themselves. i have NEVER been "skinny" so i have always been thinking about my weight and i am jealous of skinny girls, but then i look at how much i get to eat and not give a hoot about the calories. =3 it has it's ups and downs but, at least we are not resembling cardboard.
TV is also a significant cause of obesity and depression. TV is an emotional euphoric and an emotional painkiller. It is the plug-in drug, and it is a type of hallucinatory and schizophrenic experience. In fact, I have proven (in detail and with specifics) exactly how television is a form of dream vision as waking vision. Obesity is increased cause of death by ALL CAUSES. THINK!
Wow - So the creator of this was a chick who felt like total sh*t about herself...so she went around on peoples facebooks, to see how people changed over the years picking out the changes in their bodies...maybe so she can feel better about herself? --- maybe? Just sayin'
Think its cool when someone takes your pic out and about now? People need to start realizing it may end up on the net , some site with no morals like this one.
I'm a guy and I say, eat what ever you want ladies. It just enhances your bodies as you can see.(_)(_). Cuz when guys get fat theres nothing that gets attractive.
To Mr. Ree who wrote: "Don't blame junkfood - they did it to themselves. They don't have the self discipline to not have the cheese on the fries or by eating two cheeseburgers instead of just one."
No one does this to themself because they want to be unhealthy and overweight. Read a book called Slim for Life or watch Movie Documentaries like Food Inc and Food Matters. They will allow you (especially the book) to learn about the chemicals deliberately put in our foods that are designed to keep us coming back for more. People are not supposed to be exercising enormous amounts of will in order to stop themselves from eating certain things. Some foods have us hooked, just like a drug. Advertising and conditioning to believe (and promise, falsely) that food will make us happy and change things for us also contributes to the problem of overeating or eating the wrong things. Please think twice before you say stuff like that.
To AussieDave who wrote: "Now they are eevrywhere. As a divorced father of 2 and back on teh dating scene, I'm totally dismayed by single women in their 40s now ...95% are FAT! Disgusting! And many wonder why men may have sex with them but won't stay for a relationship. We realise they are still going to get worse."
I can't believe you said that. At least these women can lose weight. Can you lose your attitude, which makes you sound disgusting? : ) Not nice, is it? I encourage you to stop thinking of a woman as a piece of meat, only there to look good for you. You will meet someone nice if you change the way you think. No one will love you if you're cruel, at least not somebody who is good.
To Frank Martin DiMeglio who wrote: "TV is also a significant cause of obesity and depression. TV is an emotional euphoric and an emotional painkiller. It is the plug-in drug, and it is a type of hallucinatory and schizophrenic experience."
Yep, TV is VERY harmful. In fact, it is said that you burn less calories while watching TV than if you were to sit there with the TV switched off, doing nothing.
Read the book 'Slim for Life' by Jason Vale. It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. You will never be tricked in to eating bad things again. It's probably one of the best books I've ever read.
lol at all the lame excuses. if you're fat.. its your own fault. and guess what? you're going to die young. Anyone know of any old fat people? Few and far between. Your heart is going to give out because of your unhealthy lifestyle. Say hello to diabetes, health issues, and immobility if you can even make it to 60.
Being fat is NOT attractive. It's unhealthy and gross.
I blame three things, food, genetics and birth control pills. Those pills are chock full of hormones, if you aren't working hard to counteract the effects it starts adding up. Also beer is NOT your friend ladies, its a called a "beer gut" for a reason. Furthermore, if your momma is husky chances are nature is not on your side, after 25 your metabolism begins to slow down. There is no replacing exercise and good nutrition, no matter what they tell you at Weightwatchers or OA.
15 was skye model. circa 2006 at best. although i couldnt find any more info, i dont think its shopped. Its standard practice for models to bank up shots when there young and pretty.
All of these girls are young and beautiful. Please take control of your eating habits. I am afraid to see what you all will look like when you get 30 or 35. Diets don't work just change the way you eat. Please! Please! I am rooting for you ALL.....
Like most women... these ladies tried to keep up appearances when younger because of the pressures of society and they thought that they had to look a certain way in order to be liked by others. But as they grew older they didn't give a shit was others thought of them and ate what they wanted. I'd like to see some pictures of men in their late twenties and thirties with beer guts. It's not just women who gain weight you know.
Many of you who are calling these girls fat and lazy are going to look a lot like these women in 10 or 15 years so watch what you say!
you know what happened to these girls? A society in which artificial hormone therapy is thought to be the only effective birth control. It's sick really. Does so much more harm than good.
wow i love the booty.... BOOBIES! seriously, that happens to everyone that just keeps ramming down junk food down your gob. Happened to me, I packed 120 pounds in 3 months by going hard on junk food. Then it took a while before I could lose all the excess fat. Handy tip - eat junk in moderation... not every second...
I'm a guy. Some of the girls actually look better.
But overall, this article is sexist and one sided bullshit. Why don't they show this about PEOPLE in general? It's sad that we still live in a society where women are picked out for gaining weight.
I don't see anything wrong here, They are still the same person fat or thin...if you like them thin then you should like them if they've gained weight. I wouldn't leave my girlfriend if she gained weight, I love her as a person to much to be that superficial
Yeah, it's terrible what junk food can do to some girls. But looking at some of the girls here, junk food has at least given them big, beautiful breasts.
I'm a man who takes care to keep in shape. 31 years now, still no beer belly in sight. :-) I think it's most important if a girl has a beautiful face. Which most of those have. Also, I like my woman to have a little fat, especially in the thighs, butt and -most important- tits. Some of them could (if I weren't married) just wrap a ribbon around me and take me home as a present for themselves. They are really beautiful. I think guys who especially want women with boy-like bodies, I mean the ones who tirelessly rip on girls with a bit more to cuddle, are latent homosexuals. Which is okay, but it isn't to be so tough about it.
Wow. Okay, this is ridiculous. Some of these photos are photoshopped and the rest are YEARS older than they were in high school or had children. Just because someone isn't "skinny" doesn't mean they eat junk food all the time.
I can't describe my shock. And I don't just mean at the terrible carnage that has taken place on previously beautiful women. I'm also shocked at the fact that 2/3 of the commenters here insist that the after pics look better?! BETTER?!
I might accept it as true if there were one or two commenters saying that, but 2/3?!
Something smells mighty fishy to me here...
Like I said, I don't have a problem with people finding attractive what they find attractive - there's no accounting for taste.
But this doesn't jibe with my reality at all. Of all the friends I have ever had and the 100s of acquaintances that I've talked to, I don't believe I have ever even met one, not a single ONE, that would prefer the girl's after state.
Given this evidence, I believe the majority of the comments here are trolls just lying. Maybe incensed women? Or men who have never met a woman in real life and would get hard at the very idea of sex with anyone at all? I don't know. But this board is the the complete opposite of reality.
You should rename it the Twilight Zone.
For those who want to lose weight, check out the sensible guide at losing10 d0t com...
Spoken like a true brain washed numb-skull. Regardless of what you may claim, it’s very obvious that your life experience lacks the depth required to accurately comment on this issue. It's a fact that many men would prefer these women in their after state. Only those who are afraid to admit their real feeling would deny that a full figured woman would be less desireable than a boney assed chick. LOL
As a young, wealthy and successful businessman thank you for pointing out to the younger lads that men with options wouldn't dare date or tolerate their woman who's overweight.
Or maybe you should just take care of yourself, eat right and exercise and stop blaming "sexist shallow men" for not wanting to chat your morbidly obese chewed bubble gum butt up any more.
exhibit 240 why I won't pay for other peoples health care.
sexist immature lies. women have way many more factors than just eating habits and so do men but none are shown here. whoever made this site please go cut your clit sized dick off and die.
number 15 apparently got to many compliments so was deleted. lol.
I love how the women cry offense to it / Sexist remarks :D Maybe if you put the burgers and fries down and counted your calories you wouldn't take offense ;D. Just saying. And big tits aren't that great. Especially if their fat as fuck. Just saiyan o_O
"NOT eating and destroying their health and subsequently their metabolism in order to attain impossible standards is why they got bigger. And in most cases, hotter."
NONE of those girls were underweight to begin with. They were healthy. And if that's your idea of 'impossible standards', try putting the twinkie down, tubby.
Fat is ugly, period. (except for those that have to need to suckle).
Check out #17 and the dates. Some of the dates are mixed up. I still do the chick, tho. I want her to strangle me with her sexy fat and choke me with her enormous titties.
being fat its unhealthy period, I am overweight myself, i struggle lots with my weight, still i am happy with my self and have good self esteem but i am aware that im not in very good shape, still i have a wonderful boyfriend, he has a hot body, he is rich, sucessful, funny, handsome etc., so yeah theres a lot of guys that like bigger girls, but i mean there has to be a limit, some of this girls do looks good but others just gained too much weight and that cant be good, anyway, i do think number 12 look very hot, but 17 gained too too much weight at hte end, she should have stayed at a medium point where she was chubby and not obese, anyway people stop hating on fatties, i am one myself and i can tell u all that i gained all my extra pounds a few years ago when i got thyroid disease but obviously my eating habits werent great either so thats why i gained lots of weight, now im balanced and try to watch what i eat but it is hard to get back to my skinny weight lol just be happy and try to be at ur best what ever that is chubby, skinny, etc etc just be healthy the most u can
thats why a parties the smart girls do shots only...... and get real..they do not look hotter ...chubby chicks are only good for one thing...a bj.just make sure she don't eat it hahaha
This is really rude!!! something might of happened to them! you know something that diminished their self-esteem!!!! what about guys! do u think they would like it if someone did this to them!! THE PERSON WHO MADE THIS IS A DISGRACE TO MANKIND!
...Is it just me or do some of these women look better? At least it went to better areas than most in some cases... I envy a few of them, and I know for a fact that my boyfriend would fucking LOVE me to look like those few xD
Yeah, the same thing happened to my wife. An sedentary office job, going out for lunch every day and a love of sweets and ice cream did her in. She 's swollen up from 130 pounds to 250. She used tom complain about how fat she was gtting but now she just eats and keeps getting fatter.
No 10 is sexy
I would still do 12 ,15 and 17
Good things come in larger packages.
how vat the are. :O
it's amazing !
Quit stuffing your faces and get off your fat asses.
who steals personal pics and post them? thats kinda weird, just to make fun of them cuz theyre bigger?
Pre-Nup !!
In fact, I have proven (in detail and with specifics) exactly how television is a form of dream vision as waking vision. Obesity is increased cause of death by ALL CAUSES. THINK!
Just sayin'
No one does this to themself because they want to be unhealthy and overweight. Read a book called Slim for Life or watch Movie Documentaries like Food Inc and Food Matters. They will allow you (especially the book) to learn about the chemicals deliberately put in our foods that are designed to keep us coming back for more. People are not supposed to be exercising enormous amounts of will in order to stop themselves from eating certain things. Some foods have us hooked, just like a drug. Advertising and conditioning to believe (and promise, falsely) that food will make us happy and change things for us also contributes to the problem of overeating or eating the wrong things. Please think twice before you say stuff like that.
To AussieDave who wrote: "Now they are eevrywhere. As a divorced father of 2 and back on teh dating scene, I'm totally dismayed by single women in their 40s now ...95% are FAT! Disgusting! And many wonder why men may have sex with them but won't stay for a relationship. We realise they are still going to get worse."
I can't believe you said that. At least these women can lose weight. Can you lose your attitude, which makes you sound disgusting? : ) Not nice, is it? I encourage you to stop thinking of a woman as a piece of meat, only there to look good for you. You will meet someone nice if you change the way you think. No one will love you if you're cruel, at least not somebody who is good.
To Frank Martin DiMeglio who wrote: "TV is also a significant cause of obesity and depression. TV is an emotional euphoric and an emotional painkiller. It is the plug-in drug, and it is a type of hallucinatory and schizophrenic experience."
Yep, TV is VERY harmful. In fact, it is said that you burn less calories while watching TV than if you were to sit there with the TV switched off, doing nothing.
Read the book 'Slim for Life' by Jason Vale. It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. You will never be tricked in to eating bad things again. It's probably one of the best books I've ever read.
Being fat is NOT attractive. It's unhealthy and gross.
Many of you who are calling these girls fat and lazy are going to look a lot like these women in 10 or 15 years so watch what you say!
A society in which artificial hormone therapy is thought to be the only effective birth control.
It's sick really. Does so much more harm than good.
Women have three emotions only. Sleep, sleep and sleep.
seriously, that happens to everyone that just keeps ramming down junk food down your gob. Happened to me, I packed 120 pounds in 3 months by going hard on junk food. Then it took a while before I could lose all the excess fat.
Handy tip - eat junk in moderation... not every second...
But overall, this article is sexist and one sided bullshit. Why don't they show this about PEOPLE in general? It's sad that we still live in a society where women are picked out for gaining weight.
i don't like bags of bones.
i'll have a chubby chick any time.
btw;#1,4,6,9,12 and 16 >yummie<
I think it's most important if a girl has a beautiful face. Which most of those have.
Also, I like my woman to have a little fat, especially in the thighs, butt and -most important- tits.
Some of them could (if I weren't married) just wrap a ribbon around me and take me home as a present for themselves. They are really beautiful.
I think guys who especially want women with boy-like bodies, I mean the ones who tirelessly rip on girls with a bit more to cuddle, are latent homosexuals. Which is okay, but it isn't to be so tough about it.
C'mon folks. There are only two categories of people who would say these women look better in the 'after' pics, women and involuntarily celibate men.
It's ok, Ms. Moo Moo. We know you're angry, but it doesn't change your size.
Go get on a treadmill.
I might accept it as true if there were one or two commenters saying that, but 2/3?!
Something smells mighty fishy to me here...
Like I said, I don't have a problem with people finding attractive what they find attractive - there's no accounting for taste.
But this doesn't jibe with my reality at all. Of all the friends I have ever had and the 100s of acquaintances that I've talked to, I don't believe I have ever even met one, not a single ONE, that would prefer the girl's after state.
Given this evidence, I believe the majority of the comments here are trolls just lying. Maybe incensed women? Or men who have never met a woman in real life and would get hard at the very idea of sex with anyone at all? I don't know. But this board is the the complete opposite of reality.
You should rename it the Twilight Zone.
For those who want to lose weight, check out the sensible guide at losing10 d0t com...
exhibit 240 why I won't pay for other peoples health care.
number 15 apparently got to many compliments so was deleted. lol.
NONE of those girls were underweight to begin with. They were healthy. And if that's your idea of 'impossible standards', try putting the twinkie down, tubby.
Fat is ugly, period. (except for those that have to need to suckle).
just be happy and try to be at ur best what ever that is chubby, skinny, etc etc just be healthy the most u can
Wow! number 10 looks much sexier in the after pic...in the face and the body.
14 looks like she's on prednison... Whoever posted this is an asshole!