Will You Be Able To Pass The FBI Agent Test? (20 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       4 Apr 2018       12083      

Who is the mother?

This is the first test. Look at the picture.

There are two ladies in a room who are sitting opposite each other while a little boy plays on the floor. Study the image well.

Question. Who do you think is the real mother of the child?


The mother of the child is the lady on the left. She is sitting so that her legs are directed towards the child.

- This position reflects the natural desire of a mother to protect her child.
- The posture of the woman on the left is protective, slightly bent forward.
- It is natural for small children to face their mother when playing or doing some sort of activity, if she is around.

Two pills

A serial killer kidnapped people and made them take one of two pills, one was harmless, and the other was poisonous. Whichever pill a victim took, the serial killer took the other one. Each time, the victims died and the serial killer survived.

Question. How did the killer always get the harmless pill?


Both pills were harmless. The poison was in the glass of water the victims drank.



A man and a woman went to a restaurant for dinner. While they were waiting for the main dish, she ordered 5 drinks with ice because it was very hot. The woman drank 4 of them all at once, while the man only drank one. After a while the man became ill and died. The doctors said that all the drinks were poisoned.


Why was the woman still alive when the man died? Read again carefully.


The poison was in the ice. Since the woman had her drinks quickly, the ice didn’t have time to melt. The man drank slowly and the poison melted into his drink.




Imagine a scene. A man was found dead, he has a pistol in his hand and a cassette recorder next to him. The detective pressed the “Play” button and listened the message, it said “I am tired of this life and decided to stop my pain and suffering” and then a shot follows. Somehow the detective doesn’t believe that it was a suicide.

Why does the detective think that it was a murder?



If the man killed himself, how could he rewind the cassette to the beginning?


Christmas mistery

An detective was on duty during the Christmas holidays and on the morning of December 25th he went on a call. He rang the doorbell, and a minute later a sleepy house owner opened it. The detective said “Your neighbor says that yesterday, on Christmas Eve, he came to your place for a party and while he was here, you broke into his house and stole some valuable items.”

The owner replied: “That’s not true. Our family celebrated Christmas Eve at our friends place. We barely had time to decorate our Christmas tree.”

The detective said: “No worries. It’s quite obvious for me that your neighbor is a liar.”

Question. How did the detective know?


The Christmas tree lights are unplugged and actually missing one bulb, they wouldn’t work without it. It was clear for the detective that the owner was telling the truth. He had decorated the tree in such a hurry that he didn’t even check to see whether the lights were working or not.

Have you nailed it? Tell us in the comments about your results.


A serial killer

A serial killer invited a prospective victim to her home. They had dinner together after which, she offered her victim an apple. The victim said that she was already full. The killer divided the apple in half so they could share it. They both started eating the apple and as soon as the guest tried the apple she died.


If both of them had the same apple, why did one of them die and another survive?


The killer used a knife coated with poison just on one edge.


A chemical mystery

A famous chemist was found dead in his laboratory. The police knew that two people were involved in the murder. And there were 5 suspects: Felice, Joshua, Nicolas, Nathan, and Peter. Police found a note written by chemist. The note said: “26-3-58 /28-27-57-16.”

The police immediately knew who the murderers were.


Who are the murderers and how did the police know?


The victim was a famous chemist, so if you look at the note very carefully, you will notice that the numbers correspond to atomic numbers on the periodic table of elements:

26 — Fe, 3 — Li, 58 — Ce Felice

28 — Ni, 27 — Co, 57 — La, 16 — S Nicolas

Felice and Nicolas are the murderers.


Murder at home

A man was found murdered on a Sunday afternoon. At the time of the murder there were four people in the house. The wife, the cook, the maid, and the gardener. The police were called to investigate the murder. Everybody told the police what they were doing.

The wife said “I was reading a book”

The cook said “I was cooking breakfast”

The maid said “I was fixing the table”

The gardener said “I was watering the plants”

After listening the statements, the police arrested the murderer.


Who is the murderer and how did the police know?


The cook did it.

You don’t cook breakfast in the afternoon.


Stolen money

A man placed a $100 bill on the table and left for work. When he returned, the money was gone. He has three suspects: the cook, the maid, and the electrician.

The cook said “I put the bill under a book to keep it safe,” the man checked and it was not there.

The maid said “I moved the bill inside the book between page 10 and 11 to keep it safe,” the man checked the book and there was nothing between pages 10 and 11.

The electrician said “I saw the bill sticking out of the book and I moved it between pages 11 and 12 to keep it safe.”

The man immediately knew who stole the money.


Who is the thief?


The elecrician stole the money.

If the man checked for the money between pages 10 and 11 of the book, then pages 11 and 12 will be opposite sides of a single sheet and the electician simply was not able to do what he said.


Frost on windows

Ben was found dead in his study by his friend John. John called the police and told them what happened. He said “I was walking by Ben’s house and saw light on in his room. I decided to look from outside to see if he was there. There was frost on the window, so I wiped it and that’s when I saw the body. I kicked the front door in to check things out and found that my friend was dead. I called police immediately.”

The officer knew immediately that John was lying.


How did the detective know?


Frost forms on the inside of the window, not the outside. So John could not have wiped it off to find his friend.

Credits:  izismile.com




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