When you finally scratch the itch you can’t reach inside your pants for etiquette reasons.
When you get the shower temperature juuuuuust right.
Scratching the sock marks on your leg after a long day wearing it.
Finally being able to floss something that has been stuck in your teeth for a while.
When you’re cutting wrapping paper and the scissors start gliding.
When you parallel park your car in a tight spot with one turn and not stopping.
Fixing something on the first try without YouTube or calling your dad.
When you get more than 5 green lights in a row.
Being insanely thirsty and chugging cool water.
When the thing you didn’t want to go to gets cancelled.
That first moment when you get home from work and don’t have to deal with people for the next 12-15 hours.
Putting on jeans still hot from the dryer on a cold morning.
When you wake up on a Saturday morning with the sun streaking through the curtains thinking you missed your alarm and the realisation hits you: there was no alarm. And there will be no alarm.
Back scratch by someone with natural nails.
Peeling off a new device screen protector.
Getting in bed after a very long exhausting day. The sheets seem to cuddle and caress you like a lover.
A hairdresser washing your hair and massaging your scalp. Holy fuck that’s the best feeling.
Paycheck, bonus and tax return hits the bank account on the same day.
Blowing your nose just after a cold, the feeling of goop coming out and being able to breathe better.
Waking up with a stiff neck/back then cracking it and it actually feels better.
Eating an epic meal when you’re really hungry.
When the bit of water that was stuck in your ear finally comes out.
Peeing after holding it in for a very very long time. That sigh of relief you let out.