Some Of The Weirdest Sexual Requests People Have Ever Heard (21 GIFS)

10 Jun 2021


“Turn off the TV so my roommate can hear.”





"I got asked mid-session in a one-night stand “do you mind if next time you shave your head bald and I dress up as a cat?”. That’s when I found out she was into bald guys and she was a furry. Didn’t follow up for a second time and she became a clinger."





"I was having sex with this girl and I was using a condom. After I finished she asked, “can I drink the nut out of your condom?” To which I awkwardly said yes. She then proceeded to slurp and squeeze my cum out of the condom like the last reminisces of an empty Go-Gurt. She will forever be known as Go-Gurt Girl."





"With a woman who I had met maybe one week prior & was hooking up with for the first time…

Her: “Choke me.” Me: (Having never done this before) Puts hand on throat and squeezes lightly…

Her: “Harder.” Me: Squeezing intensifies…

Her: “HARDER.” Me: Squeezing nervously intensifies some more…

Her: Hits the brakes mid-cowgirl-ride, puts her hand over the top of mine to take control, stares so deep into my soul that I genuinely feel concerned, and says, “I SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO TALK!”"





"He wanted me to scratch his balls with my fingernails… like really hard. Any other guys into that?"





"The guy wanted to lick my foot. I let him and now I’m into it. Ha."





"She wanted me to piss in her ass and then fuck her doggy style anally. While the pee was still in there. I politely declined."





“Get behind me and put it between my legs like a witch’s broom.”





"If I would urinate on her. Just met her in a strip club with her friends. Got a room. And the “piss on me” came out her mouth. What’s a man with a raging hard on supposed to do. Because it’s not easy to piss with a hard dick. I happily obliged her as she laid in the hotel shower. Air Force girls. Go figure."





"She asked me to put needles in her breasts. Nope."





"Had a girl who just stood up, took out a syringe from her purse, then stabbed her thigh before I could even say, “WTF?”. Turns out she wanted me to drink her blood. That didn’t happen."





"“Suck on my scar like your life depends on it!”

She’s missing her leg and it gets her off. Not gonna lie, gets me off too."





"Girl tried to kiss me while half of my load was in her mouth still. Like she cupped her tounge showed me the cum then with her mouth open moved in for the kiss. Im not above new experiences, but that was just too much."





"Some dude I was shagging begged me to bite his dick as I was sucking him. Not just a little bit, but super hard. I had braces at the time (I was 21). I was especially uncomfortable with the request – I’d worked so hard to not catch my teeth or braces on a dude’s dick!"





"This one guy I dated from bumble liked to smell/kiss my pits. He didn’t ask, he just kind of did it. I felt really insecure and kept trying to avoid it."





"She wanted to put something in my penis. After hearing that, my penis shrunk to a microscopic size and I fled the scene."





"If he could pee in all of my holes. I let him."





"A girl once asked me to hit her in the face. We were going at it pretty rough, so I sort of semi-gently slapped her cheek, this made her pretty angry and she dug her nails deep into my sides and shouted ‘I said punch me in the fucking face you cunt!’ Needless to say, I didn’t honor her request, and she called me a fucking pussy as I left."





"Being asked if he could wear my underwear and jerk off in it."





"I had a Tinder date over while I lived with my brother. We walked past his room as we went to my room and she saw him. While I’m taking her from behind, she looks back and asks me to invite my brother because he was hot too."





"Not me, but happened to a friend: He was texting some girl off a dating app. She was an artist and asked him to come over and masturbate on a canvas that other men have cum on for her art…and my friend fucking did it."




Izzy 2 year s ago
There is a fetish for everything
Merv 2 year s ago
"If you like to stand on your head and spit pickles in the snow - on the Internet there are at least 3 other people just like you."
Vangie 2 year s ago
Posting for the avatar

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