Women can strengthen their pelvic floor via kegels to help improve the quality of their orgasms.
Men with a 42-inch waist are 50% more likely to have erectile dysfunction than those with a 32-inch waist.
Women who have sex at least once a week have more regular menstrual cycles.
Frequent sex has been shown to improve memory in women.
There are 38 calories in one teaspoon of semen.
No matter how tired you are after sex ladies, you should ALWAYS go pee afterward to greatly lower the risk of developing a Urinary Tract Infeciton (UTI).
A study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found a connection between gum disease and risk for ED. Gum disease causes chronic inflammation, which damages the endothelial cells that line blood vessels, including those in your penis.
Men who ejaculate more than 21 times a month have been found less likely to suffer from prostate cancer.
Numerous studies have found that sexual intercourse, not masturbation, lowers a persons systolic blood pressure.
Excercising gets your blood flowing and boosts testosterone, putiting both men and women in the mood.
Having sex (or ejaculating) frequently increases the quality of a man’s sperm.
Having sex at least three times a week can make you look 4-7 years younger.
Make sure you get enough vitamin D, which is found in fortified milk or yogurt, eggs, cheese, and canned tuna. A study in the journal Atherosclerosis found that men with vitamin D deficiency have a 30% greater risk for ED.
On average, men burn 101 calories (4.2 calories per minute) during sex while women burn 69 calories (3.1 calories per minute). 69…nice.