Revelations Unveiled: What People Learned About The Other Gender (18 GIFS)

Posted in NSFW       3 Aug 2023       1373      

"It’s all fun and games until you put her favorite bra in the dryer, even accidentally."


"Nuts move all on their own. Like the skin flexes and shifts and like crawls up and down twitching."


"Shirt buttons are on the other side? But, why?"


"I was 16/17 when I found out periods happen over time, not an instant gush of blood that comes out at some random point over a one-week time period.

I blame adverts for panty liners where they poured all the blue liquid out at once."


"Vaginas are farther down than I expected."


"Their pants don’t have a waist size and leg length. Just an arbitrary number. The fuck is a size 3?"


"As a dude I grew my hair really long and the amount of hair I had to pull outta my butt while showering was shocking. Crazy that so many long-haired ladies had been pulling hair out of their butts most of their lives."


"I truly thought the hoodies were mine…."


"Men really do sit there and think about the most random things. You think they’re mad at you, but they’re seriously just contemplating what would happen if oxygen just suddenly disappeared for a brief moment."


"They can withstand you lying on top of them"


"This made me laugh, I had a really petite girlfriend who always wanted me on top, I was really afraid I’d hurt her by lying on top of her, but on the contrary, it made her feel good."


"I learned that they don’t stick those pad things to themselves, they stick it to their underwear."


"It was decades ago, but until I lived with a woman I had no clue how expensive bras were. I honestly thought they were like underpants — maybe $10 for a three-pack."


"That guys don’t talk about their sex life with each other. I grew up watching all these movies where guys were in locker rooms describing their sexual encounters. So I thought all guys did this. I was surprised to find out that they hardly ever do this, and a lot don’t want you discussing it at all with anyone."


"I think I was a teenager when I realized that my assumption – 95% percent of women think they’re beautiful – was actually the inverse of reality. I have no idea why I thought that was the case, but I did. When I started understanding people’s insecurities about their appearance, men included, it changed the way I interacted with them."


"Every man’s favorite boob size is whichever one’s are right in front of him."


"My contribution is that women “out of your league” may not be looking for some Andrew Tate Alpha Male who drinks Bull Piss and gets into fights. She may actually have a crush on you and be just as shy to approach as you are.

Imagine my shock when I was on a manic high and spoke to a women I knew would never associate with my ass and she was the exact type of person I was looking for and I happened to be the EXACT type she was looking for! Next month will be 12 years of marriage"


"I recently learned that there is apparently a large subsection of women that do not know you CAN NOT flush tampons. I really thought this was common knowledge, as I have seen the signs in every unisex bathroom I have been in that say “Do Not Flush Hygiene Products”.

It seems to me that even if no one told you not to do this, the regular plumbing issues you must encounter would correct the problem on its own. Seems wild to me."


"Apparently women just want to vent and don’t want you to fix their problems. Just listen to them and tell them you understand how it is frustrating."





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