Deception And Dishonesty: The Worst Cheating Excuses (18 GIFS)

Posted in NSFW       7 Sep 2023       1316      

"My ex was very into astrology. She cheated and later blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017."


“It was the anniversary of my cousin’s death and I wasn’t in my right mind. You know how upset I was. Blaming me is classic victim blaming. You should be COMFORTING me!”

"This was AFTER I offered to stay with her for the night but she said she wanted to be alone."


“Kissing is like holding hands, so it’s not cheating, friends sometimes hold each other’s hands. Maybe if I were doing it with lots of guys everyday, but that was a two times thing! Also, it was only a blowjob, it’s not like we slept with each other, that would be cheating”


"Not me, but my cousin’s bf told her “it doesn’t count if it’s with another dude because you’re supposed to experiment in college. It’s not my fault you’re too prudish to try it.”"


“You should’ve let me try anal. You’re holding me back.”


“I didn’t even enjoy it because I was thinking about you the whole time and I felt terrible.”


“You were at the hospital for 2 weeks. A man has needs.”


“My wife was pregnant, so I wasn’t getting any.”


"“I was bored.”

Our baby was 8 weeks old."


“I’m just on tinder to confirm that there’s nothing better out there. It helps me appreciate you more.”


"My previous partner told me that he cheated because he insisted that he “thought I was going to break up with him anyways” so he started seeing other women.

I believe this was just another one of his manipulation tactics to put the blame on ME for his actions. To this day I can not fathom the mental gymnastics he had to do to justify his decisions… Lol."


"College roommate would cheat on his girlfriend a few times a semester, then feel awful about it and realize how much he loved his girlfriend.

He started to rationalize that “you need to cheat to stay faithful.”"


"I had one cheat because he said my breasts were too big and another cheated because they were too small. Can’t win."


“We were having a great time hanging out and she brought me Skittles!”


"He needed to know that what he had with me “was real.” In his opinion I should have been happy that he realized he wanted to choose me."


“I care about him a lot, and you were going out of town. He and I just click.”

"A secret 2-3month relationship with her coworker. She’s so obsessed with him she throws it in my face when we argue about the divorce we are seeking."


"“It doesn’t count if they’re family.”

I’m in a small town in the Deep South. I wish I was making this up for internet points."






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