Risque Realities: Unveiling The Strangest NSFW Facts (9 PICS + 10 GIFS)

Posted in NSFW       24 Jan 2024       963      

"Mary Shelly lost her virginity on her mother’s grave."


"Nintendo owns the rights to a porno called The Super Hornio Brothers and Ron Jeremy played Mario."


"Before the discovery of penicillin, syphilis was a horror of a disease. It was discovered that a high fever early after symptoms developed could kill the syphilis infection. But how do you summon a fever on demand?

Malaria. Malaria wasn’t curable, but it could be kept in remission with quinine. Someone with sufficient means, upon having contracted syphilis, could be deliberately infected with malaria and then take quinine for the rest of their life. Even if the treatment failed, death over a few nights from a malaria fever was likely a better fate than having the “black lion,” slowly destroy the patient’s body and mind."


"Bedbugs reproduce through “traumatic insemination”, and males have to pierce the body cavity of the female and directly inject sperm into them. This is the only way they do it.

As if everything else about them wasn’t bad enough."


"Touching some (maybe most? Not an expert) species of pet bird on their bodies / wings/ anywhere really is sexually stimulating for them and many owners have behavioral issues with their pet bird/parrot because they are not aware of the fact that they are constantly edging their pet."


"Marie Antoinette’s brother, Leopold Duke of Tuscany, was worried about the sex life of his sister and Lois XVI after the couple was having trouble producing an heir.

He said that Lois XVI ‘had well-conditioned, strong erections and introduced his member, stayed there for two minutes without moving, withdrew without ejaculation, and then, still erect, wished [his wife] good evening. He should be whipped like a donkey to make him discharge in anger’."


"Nutmeg is deadly when consumed anally."


"Bonobos settle disputes with oral sex."


"The man who developed one of the first true autopilot systems for aircraft did so with the express purpose of joining -or perhaps more accurately, founding– the mile-high club with another man’s wife. It worked quite well until someone inadvertently bumped the on/off handle during the act, causing the aircraft to crash into a pond Long Island Sound.

Both pilot and passenger were unharmed, but their affair was discovered when they failed to adequately explain why they were both naked when help arrived."


"Disney has a porn vault of all the smut their artists ever created because they legally own it."


"Nipple stimulation activates the same brain area as genital stimulation.

This cross-wiring in the brain explains why nipple stimulation can be sexually arousing and even lead to orgasm for some people."


"Napoleon’s wife had a friend who was known as “Government property” because she had banged so many ministers of state."


"The oldest surviving (silent) porno film is from around 1915 and is called “A Free Ride.” You can watch it online."


"Ant queens only get to have sex once in their lives so they live it up and usually fuck as many males as possible in a orgy that consists of usually thousands.

The dudes only mate this one time as well, but instead of going on to found a colony, they die."


"Lots of animals have corkscrew-shaped penises and vaginas. Pigs and ducks, for example.

One cannot help but be sad for the loneliness of a left-threaded Porky in a world of right-threaded Petunias."


"Brazil nuts are one of the few sexually transmittable allergens"


"Bull semen is ‘collected’ for cattle breeding by forcing a bolt of electricity through their prostates that’s so powerful it forces them to ejaculate.

It’s also how they get sperm from dead bodies."


"Alligators have a permanent erection."


"When people get badly constipated, the stool can get so backed up that it impacts the vagus nerve. When that stool is subsequently released, it can cause temporary amnesia."





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