Kinks Unveiled: The Strangest Desires People Aren’t Hiding (19 GIFS)

Posted in NSFW       12 Apr 2024       896      

"I love a woman’s stomach more than her breasts and buns. All kinds of tummies too, from nice tight tummies, to soft marked with age tummies. You got stretch marks? Guess what, so do I. Welcome to being human you divine creature. Now let me kiss you head to toe and linger on that sweet sweet torso of yours."


"Wearing clothes while having sex. Idk why but it turns me on pulling my shorts or panties to the side, or just wearing a long shirt."


"Spanking has always been my number 1 kink"


"My husband dressed as Barbie for Halloween. Went all out. Long blonde wig, pink short dress, heels, fake hips/boobs, shaved everything. Even got a manicure and a friend who is a makeup artist did his hair and makeup.

As a 100% straight lady, I felt some feels! Had fun after the party, yelled out, “Barbie, yes!” more than once. So that’s a new kink"


"For me, naked in general doesn’t look as appealing as wearing sexy outfits, such as lingerie."


"I like the feeling of cum inside me and then coming out after we’ve finished."


"Masked men. I remember having a thing for Michael Myers when I was younger then when I discovered that side of TikTok, I was head over heels. There’s something so sexy to me about a man in a mask with a secret identity. I know, I know… Batman. Spider-man. Iron Man. Etc."


"Glasses. Sexy eyes with thick rimmed glasses? I don’t know what kink this is but INJECT it into my veins"


"I’ve always had a thing for men’s thighs.

One time, I was in a school group project with my crush. He wore shorts that when he sat down in front of me, they rode up a bit and I could see his thighs, covered in soft, fuzzy hair and they looked strong. I immediately imagined my face buried between his legs, my hands running through his hair."


"Women wearing wristwatches."


"As a woman I understand this, but in reverse, men wearing wrist watches."


"I remember when I used to dj about 25 years ago and a girl came and asked me for a request. She said do you have any kinks, I replied that I like leather. She immediately shouted in my ear, do you have any Kinks. Ah well. I thought it was funny."


"She really got you"


"I love smelling my boyfriend’s armpits or his neck after we’ve had sex, I just love his smell. I know it is weird but honestly it is all down to pheromones, I can’t get enough of it."


"Something about having risky sex at places you know you shouldn’t, and can potentially get caught. Turns me on even more"


"I like a woman that could beat the shit out of me. Not a pain thing more of a “I’m in danger” kink."


"Also, when a guy rolls his sleeves and the forearms are out?? Yummy"


"Tomboys with short blond hair."


"I prefer tomboys with short dark hair. Fight me."


"Coworker was like this for me. She likes rough “forced” sex? When we went at it she complained I wasn’t rough enough. And here she is, the seemingly shy and cute girl- next- door type.

Here I am trying to be sensual and caring but she wanted porn sex. When I got slightly mad and grabbed her throat she loved it.

I was confused and aroused after. Different flavors for different people I guess."


"Somnophilia (specifically men sleeping), it’s weird but harmless"


"Absolutely agree – but with me sleeping (only consensually of course). I’ve told my bf that anytime he wants when I’m sleeping to go ahead and start. Something very hot about being woken up already going."





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