Cringe-Worthy Bedroom Blunders And Boner Killers (18 GIFS)

12 Jun 2024


“I was making out with a girl at her apartment when her ex walks in like nothing is happening. She told me they broke up but is still living with him. He proceeded to go into HER room while we were in the living room. Super awkward and left without doing anything else.

I guess they still shared a room/bed?! I don’t know, I left and never went back.”






“One time during the act, a girl pulled out a knife and asked me to cut her.

Never left a situation so f*ckin’ fast, lemme tell ya.”



“When I was a teenager, she went in my moms room and put on some Victoria’s Secret lotion, and I just decided I’m not gonna f*ck somebody that smells like my moms.”



“He was my best friend and it felt I was doing it with my brother all of a sudden. I literally stopped in the middle and just like no, never again.”



“Bad breath.”



“Her cat tracked cat litter into her bed and she never cleaned it off…

It was a creepy experience because by the time I figured out that there was cat litter in her bed I already had no clothes on.

It was so gross and terrifying and I have never lost sexual interest more quickly in my entire life.”



“She asked if she could trim my toe nails. I was kinda drunk and thought this is weird but ok.Until I realized she was putting them in one of those small zip lock baggies. Closed it up and put it in her drawer.She went to jump in the shower and said to join in 5 minutes, I left instead of joining. I have no clue what she did with my toe nail clippings, and I’m not sure I want to.”



“I was in high school, and I heard the front door open. We were teenagers. We were in my room, but started in the living room, so all our clothes were sort of tossed around the room. Her and my parents hadn’t met yet. God I wish those were my biggest kind of ‘problems’ now.”



“An unmovable object (my 20-year-old erection) met an unstoppable force (my jeans zipper, urgently being pulled down by the lady in my company).

After some discussion of what she could do to ‘fix’ it, we parted ways.”



“In a 69 and her dog shoved his cold, wet nose straight into my anus. I have never moved so fast in my life.”



“She asked me just before fun time if I could get her some crack. I said ‘sure’ and used that as an excuse to leave and never come back.”



“She kept telling me I was doing it wrong, but didn’t tell me what it was I was doing wrong or how to fix it. Just kept complaining. Neither of us finished that night.”



“I ruined the moment with my hiccups Lmao”



“No protection.

I’m sorry, but I’m not risking getting a life long disease just for a couple minutes of fun.”



“She was basically a starfish… I remember asking her mid thrust ‘Hey, btw, do you have any cereal?’ and she moaned ‘yes,’ and I got up, put my pants on and went out and made cereal and then was like, ‘My mom is picking me up soon.'”



“A super hot girl which I thought was out of my league kept pursuing me while I was on vacation. I thought it was even a joke.

Fast forward and she starts talking about how she can get any guy she wants. Well, not this guy. Biggest turnoff. I got outta there.”



“Religion. Hot and heavy with a girl, I stopped because we were both Mormon at the time.”



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