People Share Their Best Sex Stories (14 GIFS)

Posted in NSFW       1 Oct 2024       1319      

"He had me bent over the bathroom sink and pulled my head up and told me to watch.

Instant orgasm and I’ve been searching for that same high ever since."

"On a physical level, she was so hot and we both were into each other and really enthusiastic and wanted to please each other. Til this day she makes me come early sometimes because shes’ so good.

On an emotional level…how do I say this…I’ve moved around a lot as a kid, and my mom was abusive, so I don’t really have a good sense of a comforting home. But now I feel like home is wherever she is. We’re married now."


"She was a 10/10, freakier than I had experienced before, and I hardly had to do a thing to get to that point. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. It lasted maybe a month, but as easy as she came, she was gone, like a good luck leaf on the wind."


"My wife and I were in Italy for a 3 weeks vacation. we were younger and child free back then, at the pinnacle of our physical shape.

Maybe it was the pure freedom of the moment, being in the middle of our dream vacation, in a big hotel room right in front of lago di guarda (surf pier hotel).

Maybe it was the proposal in front of the coliseum 2 days prior.We were still young freshly out of school and it was maybe the first time we could pay for something nice (being in Italy.)

Everything about this travel was perfect, the weather, the activities, the beauty of the place, no traffic… it’s like god himself played a part in it.

The sex was the best we ever had, it lasted for hours and we talked about it recently, our memory of it is the same.

So the best thing about it? The freedom of our youth I would say."


"I was upside down on the bed, getting eaten out and fingered, and I swear I saw light at the edge of my vision it was so good."


"We were both 19, in love, and doing some very good LSD. It lasted for hours, and it was like our bodies melted into one being…"


"Childhood friend, one of the biggest crushes of my life, never seen it coming, spontaneous sex in the back of the car in the middle of an absolute downpour.

Only ever happened once… One of the greatest sexual experiences of my life."


"When the men take charge and have a certain confidence about them. Without being too grabby or gross. Its hard to explain."


"I had sex with two girls at the same time in my 20s back in the 1980s when I lived in Florida. Between the two of them I managed to orgasm 6 times."


"He was much taller than me (like 6’4” country boy) and had these big hands. I was tiny (like 5’6” and 100 lbs). I was sitting on his lap riding him and he suddenly put my calves on his shoulders, wrapped his hands completely around my waist and stood up. I remember being shocked his hands could completely enclose my waist and I had to grab onto his neck. He just started lifting me up and down by the waist, pounding me on his dick while he was standing there. I had an instant orgasm and just kept having them over and over while I hung on."


"Her vagina felt like it had a “front room” where I got like halfway in and then it opened up to a deeper tighter spot. She could also squeeze her pelvic muscles so tight that it was almost impossible to pull out! I would just go in and have her do that and it would feel amazing!"


"I’d been in a 10 year marriage of very vanilla, boring sex. After we separated I ran into a girl I’d always wanted but the timing was never right. Either I was married, she was, with someone, etc. we were single and got absolutely feral with one another. I ended up with bloody claw marks all over me and her with a butt so bruised she couldn’t sit on that cheek. Turns out shed left her husband for the same boring sex reason I left my wife. 4 years later we have a lovely daughter and are married."


"He didn’t hesitate with anything at all, just blew my world, what’s that saying? A pancakes not done until it’s been flipped? Then he got me to come with his fingers. I’ve never seen stars before."





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