This knitted sleeveless sweater with a large cut-back could come from anyone’s erotic dreams, so it’s very understandable why it’s becoming increasingly popular in Japan.
Valeria Lukyanova, 31 has dedicated her life to looking like a famous Barbie doll, and due to rigorous exercise her body is totally resembling the original by now. The only things she modified in herself unnaturally were the plastic surgery on her breasts and enlarged contact lenses to make her eyes look more doll-like. She’s assaulted by Internet users for her photos being too explicit, but she stands her ground on not revealing her intimate parts. Still, you can see why more than 432000 people follow her on Instagram…
Uche Mba is not even a professional model – she just wants to become one. But after posting her photos on Twitter and Instagram she accidentally found herself having a large fan base, everybody of which believes she has THE perfect body.