People who look exactly the same in all pictures (6 gifs)

Posted in GIF       17 Apr 2009       1051417
Do you remember the video with a girl who has the same pose on all her pictures? Well, I thought it was a one in a million case, but there are plenty of people who do this. O_o It seems that they think there’s only one side which looks good )
You can look through the photo album of your friends, maybe you'll notice the same thing.
People who look exactly the same in all pictures (6 gifs)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       16 Apr 2009       6603
Hi everybody!
Today is an intense day.
It was a great deal of work with the programmer, and there’s still a lot of things to do.
So, today I will be very brief.
As usual, enjoy your stay on the site and I will continue working with the programmer.
Have a good day and see you tomorrow :)

BTW, the entry with your pictures will be posted tomorrow.

World’s most expensive desert - $25,000 for 48 chocolate varieties. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Little story about rabbits (22 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Creative stuff with batteries (17 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Wedding ring that leaves marks (5 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Kelly Brook having fun on the beach (20 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Poor crash test dummies… (7 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Vintage tattoo (28 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Pin-Up celebrities (50 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Most funny and unusual race (35 photos)

Private photos of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher (9 photos + text)

Posted in NSFW       15 Apr 2009       50022
A few weeks ago, I posted a picture with Demi Moore’s posterior in panties that Ashton Kutcher published on Twitter.
Twitter is the new couple’s hobby and both post frequently their pictures taken on their cell phones.
In addition, Ashton is trying to become the first user on Twitter to have 1 million followers. Moreover, he threw a challenge to Larry King (CNN host) that he will reach one million Twitter followers before CNN Breaking News.
For now, he has little more than 900 000 followers while CNN has almost 950.000. Ashton Kutcher promised his millionth follower a gift: Guitar Hero.
And if he beats CNN Breaking News: “…if I get to 1 million b4 cnn i'll by 10000 bed nets” (about Malaria No More organization).
You can become Ashton’s Twitter follower here ))

Private photos of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher (9 photos + text)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       15 Apr 2009       14723
How are you doing?
Just some good news. For the last week, the site has grown considerably.
I’d like to say welcome to all the newcomers. Stay with us, feel yourself at home, explore the site. It’s fun and interesting with us ;) If something is unclear, please email me. I’ll explain everything! :)
There will be interesting changes on the site soon. The programmer and I are working on it.

There’s a lot of content sent by users. So, tomorrow I’m gonna use it for a post. You still have a chance to see your pics in there, just SEND ME YOUR VIDEOS AND PICTURES.

The picture from NASA's space-based telescope. It was already given a name – “God’s Hand” )
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Barack Obama is playing with a new family member - a puppy, in the White House
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

A 2009 Toyota Yaris after a 40-mph frontal offset crash.
Experts say if the speed is higher, everyone in the car will die after the crash.
I’ve never trusted small cars. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

A blind guy walks into a lesbian bar by mistake. He finds his way to the counter and orders a drink. After a while, he says loudly to the girl behind the bar: - “Hey, do you want to hear a really good joke about blondes?” Silence falls in the bar and in a deep, gravely voice the lesbian to his left says :- “Before you tell your joke, there’s something you should know…The girl behind the bar is blonde, the girl by the door is blonde and I’m a 6 foot, 16 stone blonde with a black belt in karate. The girl to my left is blonde and she lifts weights. The girl to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler. Think about it seriously, Mister. Do you still want to tell your joke?” - “Not if I’ll have to explain it five times…”

Here is what Wayne Rooney and pregnant wife Coleen's baby could look like, according to forensic artist Joe Mullins.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Creative ad of Russian Bear vodka. If you read this phrase with a mirror, the Cyrillic letters actually form a phrase with a sense:
Real men don’t drink and drive. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

These are actual comments made on students' report cards by teachers in the New York City public school system.
1. Since my last report, your child has reached rock bottom and has started to dig.
2. I would not allow this student to breed.
3. Your child has delusions of adequacy.
4. Your son is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
5. Your son sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them.
6. The student has a 'full six-pack' but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together.
7. This child has been working with glue too much.
8. When your daughter's IQ reaches 50, she should sell.
9. The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.
10. If this student were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week.
11. It's impossible to believe the sperm that created this child beat out 1,000,000 others.
12. The wheel is turning but the hamster is definitely dead.

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Magazine ad to put on car windshields (3 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Funny eggs (10 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Pikachu girls (19 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Paris Hilton at Playboy party (6 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Very beautiful photoshopped pictures (26 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Beautiful beaches. I’d give anything to be there right now ;) (42 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
The four types of Bengal tiger (17 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Extreme dog houses (8 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Transformers 2 - CGI Robots (23 photos)

Daily picdump (104 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       15 Apr 2009       18111
Daily picdump (104 pics)
Daily picdump (104 pics)
Daily picdump (104 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       14 Apr 2009       10780
Curiosities and bonus pictures
Hi everybody!
So, have you gathered a lot of eggs in your garden? Was Easter Bunny generous with you? ;)
Anyway, we collected lots of news for today, so, you’ll have something to occupy yourself with :)
Don’t forget that we have our page on Facebook and you can go there also and join us.
The contest is also in progress, so I’m waiting your ideas, crazy, funny, serious etc, don’t be shy ;)

If you want to register on the site, go there and you can also send me your pictures and videos using this form. It’s fast and easy.

Have fun!

P.S. there’s not a lot of curiosities for today though :(

Funny gif animations:

How to keep the shape of breast. Very interesting new product for women. Use during your sleep ;)
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Protests in Thailand
Curiosities and bonus picturesCuriosities and bonus picturesCuriosities and bonus pictures

Curiosities and bonus pictures
What is this bike? (4 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
A live mop (8 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Moscow dreamflash (34 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Michelle Hunziker in white bikini (20 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Jessica Simpson with a guy. She seems to look good ;) (17 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Dr. Martens shoes collection. Different model types of the famous brand (19 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Another series of picture made from above (18 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Collection of cool Coca-Cola ads (17 photos)

Claudia Schiffer (18 photos)

Posted in NSFW       13 Apr 2009       31725
Claudia Schiffer (18 photos)

Just for laughs - Sexy workout (6.6 Mb) ?

Posted in VIDEO       13 Apr 2009       7251

Video Archive Download video: .flv or .mp4

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       13 Apr 2009       9189
Have a good Easter Monday!
As usual, we are on air early in the morning ))
The new set of articles is ready for today.
Have fun on the site, as for us, we continue to collect something new for tomorrow.
I hope your Monday will pass by fast)

32 celebrities when they were young and the way they are now.
All of them on this big picture. Click to see it.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

This gif animation shows how Las Vegas has changed during 35 years.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

This poor turtle had lost its 3 legs after a shark’s attack. And as there was only one leg left she could only swim in circles. When the turtle was 5 years old, the scientist gave it a flipper so that she could swim straight. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus picturesCuriosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Artist Gwon Osang turns thousands of pictures into sculptures (16 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Stars can’t get old and they will do whatever it takes to stay young (6 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Claudia Schiffer (18 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Hottie Vanessa Marcil (18 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Most unusual welding masks (11 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Vinyls from 70s (30 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Sweet and sexy kisses (26 photos)

Daily picdump (119 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       13 Apr 2009       21716
Daily picdump (119 pics)
Daily picdump (119 pics)
Daily picdump (119 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       10 Apr 2009       18550
So awaited Friday is here!
Today all the problems we had yesterday seem so small.
Anyway, it’s true, time passes by quickly.
I wish you a good Friday night and a great weekend.
See you on Monday.

During this week, there were some pictures sent by users.
If during this weekend you send us more, I’ll do a selection with them on Monday.
You can send me content HERE.

Ashlee Simpson's baby is the latest in the long list of children demeaned by their parents on the internet.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

On this picture, you see the birth of the well-known production logo of the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studio (1924)
Yes, that’s right, it’s Leo the Lion which is still roaring for almost a century now ;)
Curiosities and bonus pictures

“Today, I was flirting via text with a coworker. Things started getting heated, and I wanted to send her a sexy picture. I asked if she had any suggestions. She said, "Your nuts!" She meant, "YOU'RE nuts." I sent her a photo of my junk. I offended a co-worker with incriminating evidence.”

Funny gif animations:

The opening of the first McDonald’s in USSR in 1990.
300 people are waiting outside to get there.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

It seems that it’s been long time since Keanu Reeves was in public. He’s all hairy )
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Stranger takes bite of gardener's arm:
A Metairie resident is recovering after a stranger bit a chunk of flesh out of his arm, and swallowed it, Saturday afternoon.
Joseph Lancellotti, 67, told authorities he did not know the suspect, later identified as Mario Vargas, 48, or why he was attacked in his front yard.
"He said, 'He bit my arm, chewed the flesh and swallowed it in front of me,' " Lorio recalled. She said the bite measured almost 3 by 1 1/2 inches, and was less than 1/4-inch deep.

Secret to a long life
A doctor on his morning walk, noticed an older lady sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, “I couldn’t help but notice how happy you look! What is your secret?”
“I smoke ten cigars a day,” she said. “Before I go to bed, I smoke a nice big joint. Apart from that, I drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels every week, and eat only junk food. On weekends, I pop pills, get laid, and don’t exercise at all.”
“That is absolutely amazing! How old are you?”
“Thirty-four,” she replied.

Another four celebrities, more precisely 4 judges from American Idol now, and in childhood.
First Kara DioGuardi, Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Interesting links:
50 Do-able Cartoon Hotties No Guy Could Kick Out of Bed
2008 Tax Records Reveal Sasha Obama Made $136 In Allowance Money
10 Funniest License Plates
10 of The Most Racist Toys Ever Made

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Secret weapon development in Nazi Germany (40 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Johnny Depp (12 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Funny sports fans (33 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Beautiful girls from the past (53 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Most unusual streetbikes’ hamlets (12 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Creative sandwiches (17 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Great 3D paintings (20 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Jennifer Love Hewitt (7 photos)

People (59 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       10 Apr 2009       31300
People are different, funny, crazy, weird etc.
Very amusing collections with people in different situations ))

People (59 pics)

Collection of funny gif animations (53 gifs)

Posted in GIF       9 Apr 2009       276227
All the gifs are on 3 pages in order to minimize the download time.

Collection of funny gif animations (53 gifs)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       9 Apr 2009       19837
Since brevity is the soul of wit, I will be brief ;)
To be serious, yesterday we had big problems with equipment, one of the servers hard drives stopped functioning, then the second server stopped working at all.
We fixed half of the problems yesterday, the rest is for today. If the site is slow don’t get too upset and be patient ;)
The good news is - tomorrow is Friday!
See you.

Helena Bonham Carter's most recent trip to the hairdresser could have gone better. She plays Serena in Terminator Salvation.
Don’t get scared )
Curiosities and bonus pictures

This is the main playboy of the world Hugh Hefner. He fell asleep during the celebration of his 83th birthday.
It was only 9 p.m. He’s got old.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Kim Kardashian (6 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
How to pour tea in Chinese way (5 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Tank utilization in Germany (3 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Girls on vacation (38 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Tramontana, funny car (25 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Pink got herself new stage outfit (5 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Excellent milk ad with pretty girls (11 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Women and dogs (17 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Amusing matreshkas (30 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Smile more often :) (24 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Better than mountains can only be mountains (35 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Great stuff made from paper (51 photos)

Top 50 of the sexiest girls according to Latino-Americans. All of this after the jump.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

The most terrible cakes (33 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       8 Apr 2009       26731
It’s hard to say if they taste good, but I wouldn’t be eager to try one of them.
However, the imagination of their cooks is slightly twisted ...

The most terrible cakes (33 pics)

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       8 Apr 2009       9170
It’s already Wednesday. Time goes by quickly )
I forgot to tell you. Last week we got and arranged a new server, so now we have 2.
The site should work fast, videos and pictures etc.
If you have any problems with the site’s speed, let me know.
Have a nice day )

Boss of one American firm gave to an employee his own Ferrari 360 as a company car.
The girl was a 23 year old blond. Here’s what happened (
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Ad posters in Zimbabwe were made completely from real banknotes.

A boy was caught by railroad security painting graffiti on one of the trains.
So, they did to him exactly the same thing as he was doing – they painted him themselves and put this picture on the internet. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

They have sense of humor.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Tori Spelling is looking like this now. Years go by. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

There are lots of jerks on the planet.
The deer is doing fine. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

How to ruin expensive yacht? It’s enough the crane, that should’ve put the yacht on the water, to fall on it. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Watermelon purse (4 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Beautiful Adriana Lima (8 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Hummer-tank (6 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
The most stupid Starr Wars costumes (21 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Serena Williams in bikini. Whatever, she’s good in tennis :) (9 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Pussycat Dolls at a concert (19 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Alaska Mount Redoubt volcano is awake (27 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Great creative works – Play with fire (14 photos)

Let’s play - Pony (32 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       8 Apr 2009       25279
New game for fetishists – Pony.
Those who do pony don’t have right to talk, nor argue etc. They only have the right to run.

Let’s play - Pony (32 pics)

Daily picdump (96 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       8 Apr 2009       18863
Daily picdump (96 pics)
Daily picdump (96 pics)
Daily picdump (96 pics)

Why boys need parents (31 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       7 Apr 2009       630441
Why boys need parents

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       7 Apr 2009       16361
Once again, hello to all of you!
It’s good to have you here.
So, how’s your working week? Fed up? )
If you’re in a blue mood, you know what you have to do – come to Izismile ;)
And don’t forget about the opinion poll contest on Facebook. Let’s give it a week.
So, be active!
That’s all for today, it’s time for the Curiosities ))

A laptop attached to a helium balloon high above the earth screens an episode of Ben 10, making it the first-ever DVD launch in space. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Before and Now. Claudia Schiffer in the beginning of her career and now.
I think, she’s even better now )
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Going to College in the 80s. Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

Haha )) Funny puns.
Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures Curiosities and bonus pictures

Curiosities and bonus pictures

Serena Williams is a BIG tennis player ))
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Things that are difficult to say when you're drunk:
a) Innovative
b) Preliminary
c) Proliferation
d) Cinnamon

Things that are VERY difficult to say when you're drunk:

a) Specificity
b) British Constitution
c) Passive-aggressive disorder
d) Transubstantiate

Things that are ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to say when you're drunk:

a) Thanks, but I don't want to sleep with you.
b) Nope, no more booze for me.
c) Sorry, but you're not really my type.
d) No kebab for me, thank you.
e) Good evening officer, isn't it lovely out tonight?
f) I'm not interested in fighting you.
g) Oh, I just couldn't - no one wants to hear me sing.
h) Thank you, but I won't make any attempt to dance, I have no co-ordination. I'd hate to look like a fool.
i) Where is the nearest toilet? I refuse to vomit in the street.
j) I must be going home now as I have work in the morning.

It’s not Photoshop, it’s just twins with the same dogs.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

Young mother with a child in a baby stroller. And then, unexpected turn of events ) Clickable.
Curiosities and bonus pictures

How To Not Be A Douchebag Tourist In NYC
Fiancé Drops Engagement Ring Off Brooklyn Bridge
36 hours in North Korea without a guide...
Conficker Eye Chart
The 15 Funniest Quotes About Divorce
The 12 Hottest European First Ladies
Pigeons fly cell phones into Brazilian prison
Police: Mom drugged 13-year-old daughter so she’d get pregnant
Why you should never talk to cops without a lawyer
Like A Boss - The Lonely Island
Become Ambidextrous

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Anna Kournikova (7 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Military aviation (7 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Paris Hilton (8 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Pillow fight (23 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Nicole Scherzinger gets sexy for wrestling (7 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Victoria Silvstedt on the beach in Miami (13 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Amy Winehouse decided to ride a horse (9 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Christina Aguilera in a photo shoot (7 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
Creative work with hair by Nagi Noda (13 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
The beautiful Betta (8 photos)

Curiosities and bonus pictures
World of little people. Great pictures done with a tilt-shift technique (60 photos)

Marisa Miller's Harley calendar is pretty good. Hit the jump for all 15 pictures
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page jump | random page



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