Watchable examples of how to improve your girlfriend’s photos using Photoshop. The recipe is simple: enhance her body by changing her breast size and leg length. Please be patient, GIF images may take a few moments to load.
This collection of funny, bizarre and unladylike girl pictures will have you wondering what has happened to the world’s young ladies.
Check out this collection of girls doing their best to give themselves a bad name. From poor fashion sense to just plain ignorance, these ladies are setting the bar high for stupidity.
It is unclear what the girls in these pictures from Russian social networking sites are trying to prove. They seem like they are going for the glamorous and sexy look but it’s a total fail all around.
These are the pictures that were personally submitted to the site Born This Way by gay guys and girls. The pictures are from their childhood "showing the beginnings of their innate LGBT selves"
Nathan, age 7
Believe it or not, these good looking women are all in the military. They are real life females in uniform. They look like they should be actresses or models. These fighting females are absolutely beautiful.