Curiosities and bonus pictures

Posted in RANDOM       11 Jun 2009       8610       3

Friday is almost here, but as for now, let’s work and have a good time on Izi )
We decided to do an unprecedented experiment. Today we remove smileys until the end of the next week.
Why? I already wrote several times that the use of some smileys and emoticons - is not the expression of opinion in the comments, but is just laziness to think and write something interesting.
Some of our visitors, willing to be on first place in the "Most active commentators", use only smileys.
Now we will see who really wants to talk, leave their opinion, listen to the others and to have a discussion with other people.
I really hope that there are a lot of such people on the site and we eventually will have a great communication
And in this situation, I support all those people who are against smileys on the site at all.
If you think that your English is bad, it’s not that big a deal, write your comment anyway. No one’s here to judge your language skills. In any case, it would be better than to leave a non-significant smiley.
But it will only last one week. And then we decide if it’s worth to return the smileys or not. May be we will leave 10 the most usable.

Several amusing pictures with stars.

Meet Ivan Brad, 38, senior road inspector of Russian road police unit.
Some PR guys of Omsk city decided to get more attention from the drivers by putting full sized Brad Pitt faced figures that they call “Ivan” on the roads of the city.
1 Curiosities and bonus pictures

Another fresh picture of Pitt.
2 Curiosities and bonus pictures

It’s just a pretty picture of Naomi Campbell.
3 Curiosities and bonus pictures

Funny gif animations:

4 Curiosities and bonus pictures

Teenager Aimee Kick, 18, has created a prom dress entirely out of coffee filters in Missouri, U.S.
5 Curiosities and bonus pictures

Psst! Do you need friends, relatives, or even your boss to come to your wedding but don’t have any? If you’re in Japan, then you’re in luck: no need to make friends, just hire ‘em!
Office Agents, a Tokyo-based company, rents out friends, work colleagues and even relatives to pad out the guest list.
For £127, one of the company’s agents will attend the wedding as a guest, while a heart-tugging speech will cost an extra £64 and a song or dance will set clients back a mere £32.
Brides or grooms who want to impress their prospective partners with their sheer volume of friends are among those secretly padding the guest list with fakes.
The recession has also boosted the popularity of the service. With unemployment rising and a growing number of Japanese in part time jobs, people rent fake bosses or colleagues.
Others turning to the company for fake work-related guests are those who have recently lost their jobs but want to maintain an air of respectability, according to Hiroshi Mizutani, who heads Office Agents.

Anatomy of a crash. For those who are interested. Clickable.

Interesting links from the web:

The secret history of beer
The Top Seven Celebrities Most Likely to Commit Murder
British soldier had sniper's bullet pulled from his back by comrade after being shot by Taliban
Happy Birthday, Natalie Portman! Here Are Your 5 Funniest videos!
The Stories Behind 10 T.V. Theme Songs
15 Common Drinking Myths Debunked
10 cars that seem to last forever
The 10 Most Difficult Kisses To Complete

Creative cups and salt & pepper shakers (31 pics)

Urban camouflage (12 pics)

Heather Graham (6 pics)

A smile can make you live longer, so Smile! (37 pics)

Beautiful paintings on aluminium foil (11 pics)

Pigs’ invasion (69 pics)

Today inside the curiosities, we chose to post photos of the booth babes from the E3 2009 event. No less than 34 photos are waiting for you after the jump, enjoy.

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24 Curiosities and bonus pictures

25 Curiosities and bonus pictures

26 Curiosities and bonus pictures

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30 Curiosities and bonus pictures

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38 Curiosities and bonus pictures

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:no_smiles: 15 year s ago
crownroyalty 15 year s ago
Nice pics....we need more women of color admin!
magoo 15 year s ago
Photographer got a case of the jitters as most of the shots suffer from shake and are out of focus.



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