You will see 28 prostitutes arrested in Florida.
They advertised their services on the U.S. site Craiglist.
The police officers arranged a “meeting” with them and arrested them.
Two girls were pregnant. Prices were from 125 to 800 bucks.
When I read about 800 bucks, I was trying really hard to find the one that could cost 800 bucks. I could not find her. Maybe you can? Which of these girls is worth 800 bucks? ))
Prostitutes are always ugly, they cannot get a real job
While #12 may be right, those are sisters, friends and daughters... they still made the CHOICE to do what they did...
Every circumstance has several ways out of it... they took an easy way, instead of really looking at what they could do to change things...
I wouldn't pay ANY of them for what they offered... in U.S., it's not worth it to the women or the guys... This country is simply not able to understand prostitution like other civilized countries, that have worked to make it something (almost) respectable... here, it's the bottom of degradation...
But, it's still a CHOICE that does NOT have to be made...
with a makeover soem of those bitches could look bomb LOL
correction, I ment that I agree with No. 13 about theirs choise..