Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Posted in RANDOM       21 Sep 2009       51772       12

It’s funny that a country that had so many beautiful women had not even sexy underwear. One can easily talk about sexless underwear… This situation is due to the background of that time and happily for them and also for us, it has changed since. So here are some pics and explanations for those of you who are interested in this topic.

1 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Mini dress slips
These mini slip dresses were often the only specif­i­cally designed female under­gar­ment (even the bras were made in one size up to mid-1930s). They were meant to ensure a bet­ter fit for the dresses, to pro­vide an extra layer in win­ter and, for many women, it was a hygienic neces­sity: as the bath or shower did not fea­ture in every house­hold, some­times wash­ing up would hap­pen only once in a few days.

2 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Pho­tos of the slips in an old fash­ion book. Circa 1950s.
The rumours have it that after the war some lucky women were brought the tro­phy slips from Ger­many — and wore them out as evening dresses. It might as well be an urban leg­end, but for some rea­son I would per­son­ally tend to believe it.

3 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Night gowns, warm and celi­bate. Would have been made of thick flow­ery flannel.
Accord­ing to some doc­u­ment circa 1940s, the san­i­tary norms were that each woman should own at least two sets of under­wear which she would not wear for longer than 5 – 7 days.

4 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Gym gear. God forbid.
The mag­a­zi­ne­sof those times did not offer fash­ion­able solu­tions: quite the con­trary, they tried to lift the spirit of women by includ­ing some not so sub­tle pro­pa­ganda arti­cles. “A har­mo­niously devel­oped per­son as a builder of the com­mu­nis­tic future has a rich inner world, as well phys­i­cal health, high moral­ity and culture”

5 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Gym­nast girls. Sport gear. Despite all medals awarded, the USSR Olympic gear was still far from flash.
There were never any fit­ting rooms, as bras were con­sid­ered to be a hygiene item and fit­ting was not allowed, nor exchange was pos­si­ble. Con­sid­er­ing that the size range was really lim­ited (say, small, medium and large), being a woman wasn’t easy. How­ever, the diy fans were really doing it them­selves – any fash­ion book would have a detailed tuto­r­ial on how to sew a bra. Those who suc­ceeded at this fil­i­gree activ­ity were doing it for friends and friends of friends, as a nice sec­ondary income. The fab­rics would be plain (not stretchy!) cot­ton with buttons.

6 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Num­bers 6, 7, 8 and 10 were meant to be dressy.

7 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

I guess it would be num­ber four of five from the pre­vi­ous image.
Usu­ally the new mod­els and designs were approved once every five years as high as the min­is­te­r­ial level. That was the main decision-making time: even the num­ber of but­tons had to gain consent.

8 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Some­thing for the male: swim gear, every day wear, the Soviet boxers.
When the prob­lem with bras what some­what solved (or at least min­imised), tights and stock­ings were still in huge demand. It is truly unbe­liev­able who the coun­try, whose engi­neers could envis­age send­ing peo­ple into the outer space, could not come up with some­thing resem­bling lycra to pro­vide women with elas­tic tights! The Soviet stock­ings were made of plain cot­ton and were of black and nude colour. Often the sup­ply in shops was so min­i­mal that women had to sew stock­ings to a pair of underpants

9 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

In a mod­ern movie East-West the main female char­ac­ter fails her mis­sion as she gets rec­og­nized as a Russ­ian – the guard notices her truly hor­ri­ble stock­ings! More­over, know­ing how frag­ile a pair of stock­ings is and how dif­fi­cult it is to find it in shops, Russ­ian beau­ties would share tips with each other on how to pro­long the life of this del­i­cate gar­ment: the sug­ges­tions to freeze it before wear or mend the holes with nail war­nish. Noth­ing works, of course, but it was well worth trying.

10 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

It was hard to be a woman in the USSR

11 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Another shop scene. Still no fit­ting room in sight.
By 1970, the tex­tile indus­try had allowed a range of nine sizes for bras, which was more than wel­come. How­ever, the styles were still, well, behind, even by the most mod­est of stan­dards. Another leg­end goes that when the French actor and singer Yves Mon­tand came to Moscow and saw the Russ­ian under­wear, he laughed so hard he couldn’t stop for a while — and then bought the whole lot to dis­play in Paris later. The exhi­bi­tion, under­standibly, was pop­u­lar with the French and not so pop­u­lar with the Russ­ian author­i­ties, so the rela­tion­ships became tense.

12 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Do you think it’s hand­made? Beach wear, 1951
The uni­sex of the com­mu­nism epoch would not allow any beach wear up to 1970s: before that the swim­suits were either hand­made (even knit­ted) or women had to wear the under­gar­ments to the beach.

13 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

A flower child of Soviet origin
The most impor­tant mes­sage here is prob­a­bly that “Soviet” is not an ide­ol­ogy, it is about the planned econ­omy (badly planned, unfor­tu­nately) and hence the affected every day lives of reg­u­lar peo­ple who had no access to the for­eign, imported, pretty things. Any item, be it a TV set or a bra, should just solely serve its pur­pose, and the frills are not nec­es­sary at all.

14 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

An old poster “Be pre­pared for work and defense”.

15 Soviet women + underwear = sexy: not really… (15 pics)

Late 1960s. Actress Svet­lana Svetlich­naja is doing a wee strip dance for a movie. This was prob­a­bly the most R-rated scene of the Soviet cinematography.

[via Real USSR ]

viper 15 year s ago
retro the beginning of girl_devil

Maher.Bat 15 year s ago
Last one is the sexiest
severe_009 15 year s ago
Wow... Ok... Tnx for the indo i guess n_tongue n_tongue n_tongue
diegopol 15 year s ago
Retro Hotties
SuperMilow 15 year s ago
monishanand 15 year s ago
dash2 dash2 dash2 dash2 dash2
Globals 15 year s ago
all good things
Romase 15 year s ago
site best
Onalikonns 15 year s ago
It is the coolest site, keep so!,
Samulswan 14 year s ago
I think it is a good thing for lingerie to be appearing in sports. It is certainly a good thing for the lingerie manufacturers and distributers, as sales are sure to increase. It also provides a good platform to showcase lingerie without going all smutty, which may also help to increase sales. Whether it is a good thing morally, or good for sport or society. I am not so sure about that one…
the only drawback that i can think of.. is there wont be a lot of space on the clothing for the sponsors logos.. but they can always be tattoed on .. innit?
Nice information. I really liked it.
Pharme301 13 year s ago
Hello! kecbfad interesting kecbfad site!
Pharmc401 13 year s ago
Very nice site!



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