The size of a man’s penis is measured according to circumference and length, in inches, and is determined to be somewhere between ideal to not satisfying with varying degrees along the way such as enjoyable, satisfying, and very satisfying but not ideal. Who would have guessed what the ideal size for a woman would be.
Best lovers too!
japanese beating US, brazil, venz, greeks?
waw this paper was super accurate!!!!
And from all arabes , they pick saudia to claim about their dimensions???
How come you can measure them if it is the one of most conservative countries in the world?
Compare to world arabes are conservative. But saudia are taking this to a new whole level.
No, wait.. They attacked us on 9/11. no wonder they shirk as long as we have more posters in internet than them.
Chit, I thought we already passed this.