“My girlfriend was bleaching her hair to re-dye it, and used a Walmart bag to keep the heat in... She just sent me this.”
“I just took a bath.”
A quick tip: do not cry after a spray tan.
Rule #1: Always keep all mirrors in mind!
She just wanted layers...
Well, close enough!
Is it only me who knows how to do this?
Either Barbie got murdered or they’re changing the color of the sink...
Wearing those freaky high heels just because they look so awesome, where rain boots would be way more suitable
Spending a day wearing high heels be like:
Getting a run in your pantyhose at the worst possible time
High heels are for strong souls.
“I sneezed while curling my eyelashes.”
When you don’t know whether to be happy or sad:
Bras. They can turn into a mini-sword in the blink of an eye.