Shameless Questions Women Are Too Afraid To Ask Men (17 GIFS)

Posted in NSFW       8 Jul 2021       4316       8

"How can guys move their penis at will, it blew my mind when I saw it for the first time."




"How does it feel to get a boner and, how often per day do you get one?"




"When dating with someone and she sends you nudes, what happens with those? Does it die in your gallery with other pictures or does it actually get used from time to time?"




"How embarrassing is it to get a boner while answering a question your teacher told you to, or when asking your crush out?"




"If you don’t cum for a while, like a week or a month or so, do your balls feel different? Like, pressurised or sore?"




"What “little” acts of love do you like the most?"




"Does it hurt to Bike? Or do your genitals ever get in the way?"




"Which feels better? oral, anal, etc??"




"Does it hurt when you run naked without holding your junk and it’s swinging all around?"




"Do you always feel it when you have an erection? Like, if you get a random one, are you always aware of it or do you only realize it when you see it? As a woman I couldn’t tell from the feeling if I’m wet, except when I’m reaaally wet."




"What pisses you off most about dating/being in relationships with women?

What is something you’d like all women to realize about men?"




"What the hell is post-nut clarity???"




"Have you ever tried on women’s pants or swimwear? How does it fit on you, especially the crotch, hip, waist areas?"




"Can your Dick get hurt during sex? I’m always scared that if I’m on top that I’ll accidentally hurt the guy"




"Is it true not all men can cum from a Blow job?"




"A question for my fellow men: do you guys actually enjoy being called daddy? To me it’s a total turn off. Makes me feel gross."




Lionel 3 year s ago
"How can guys move their penis at will, it blew my mind when I saw it for the first time."
> Same as you can contract your vaginal muscles (pelvic floor).

"How does it feel to get a boner and, how often per day do you get one?"
> You feel it as it takes up more room and becomes less flexible. This can be uncomfortable and might need some readjustment to make room. (it can literally hurt if it's growing in an odd position or some hears act like a floss)
Besides that it becomes more sensitive itself.

"When dating with someone and she sends you nudes, what happens with those? Does it die in your gallery with other pictures or does it actually get used from time to time?"
> Slim chance of it not being used. :p
Nudes are really cool but never show your face and body on the same picture though. You never know where they end up next year. Even if he's a perfect gentleman his phone might get stolen etc.

"How embarrassing is it to get a boner while answering a question your teacher told you to, or when asking your crush out?"
> Besides the embarrassment it's also really annoying as you can't just make it go away. Walking away isn't an option either because you'll see it even better.
Especially during puberty it does have a mind on its own and can get triggered by anything.

"If you don’t cum for a while, like a week or a month or so, do your balls feel different? Like, pressurised or sore?"
> Depends, for me it's like I feel an urge to relief myself if it takes longer than a few days. But some folks seem to hold it up for years.
It's more mental than physical I suppose.
It's really annoying though to get aroused but not being relieved. I really dislike teasing for this.
Never feel forced to do something you don't like but please don't tease deliberately. If you don't know if your up for it tell him before. Or tell him your needs and desires so your in line.

"What “little” acts of love do you like the most?"
> Morning head, or hands down my pants is the best start of a day. Or actually any moment will do. Sneakily while in the movies, etc. Touch it, hold it, spoon up to it, etc.
Our minds work differently, more for physical affection I suppose.
Personally I can really enjoy a wet or soft kiss in my neck or a nice French kiss.
Lionel 3 year s ago
"Does it hurt to Bike? Or do your genitals ever get in the way?"
> Not really, but if you get an accident and it impacts the bar it hurts incredibly.

"Which feels better? oral, anal, etc??"
> Anal is tight which feels good but I'm not really into it. Most boys seem to like it though but that might also be because it's different. Like more experimental.
Head really depends on the girl. If they don't put effort in it it's worthless and might even hurt. (mind your teeth)
If she does put an effort in, like mouth&hands combo and look at me like you want it it's the best for me. Also focus on the area around, like around the ball and inner legs. If the guy is circomsised(no foreskin) you really need you lube it up or it will hurt. Ask what he likes.

"Does it hurt when you run naked without holding your junk and it’s swinging all around?"
> Depends on the weather. If its cold the ballsack shrinks if its warm if grows. So running nude in warm weather is uncomfortable. In colder weather its less of an issue. Dick will still flap around though.

"Do you always feel it when you have an erection? Like, if you get a random one, are you always aware of it or do you only realize it when you see it? As a woman I couldn’t tell from the feeling if I’m wet, except when I’m reaaally wet."
> That wet part feels odd to me. :p
For me it's impossible not to feel it growing.

"What pisses you off most about dating/being in relationships with women?"
> Lack of physical contact, cheating, lying, not giving us room to be ourselves, etc.
Please be honest and explain what you want. If we don't understand, explain in a different way. There is no point in staying mad if we don't know what we did wrong as we can't fix it we don't know what we did wrong in the first place.

What is something you’d like all women to realize about men?"
> We Can't Read Minds! (read that again please)
Lionel 3 year s ago
"Have you ever tried on women’s pants or swimwear? How does it fit on you, especially the crotch, hip, waist areas?"
> Nope, not my thing..

"Can your Dick get hurt during sex? I’m always scared that if I’m on top that I’ll accidentally hurt the guy"
> When it's hard it can "break" if you move fast in an odd direction. The erectile tissue can rupture which is a serious problem.
You can hold it really firm though and that won't harm it.
Best is to just ask the guy for advice. The sensitivity will vary per dude. If you ask I'm sure he's more than happy to explain it. That might also be a good starter to explain him your preferences as those vary per girl to. Some exes wanted me to be really rough where other preferred the gentle approach.

"Is it true not all men can cum from a Blow job?"
> No, it will also vary how much effort you put in it. But even a perfect BJ is not a guaranteed relief for each guy.
And the perfect BJ desires will differ per person.

"A question for my fellow men: do you guys actually enjoy being called daddy? To me it’s a total turn off. Makes me feel gross."
> Depends on the girl and the mood.
If she's like a bit freaky it works ;)
Dominic 3 year s ago
Here are some shameless questions men aren't allowed to ask of women.

Why are female teachers who sleep with students let off so easy? Why do you never lobby for 'equality' in car insurance or other gender related premiums across our entire economy? Or jobs in the sewage, coal mining, lumber, and landfill industries? Why do you get to assault a man but he can't defend himself without being arrested? Why is domestic violence enacted upon men completely ignored by everyone? Why do you think less work should mean the same pay? Why can't anyone call you hypocrites without being it being misogyny?
Sarilla 3 year s ago
Dominic, may I add something here?

Why do woman think it's so cute to refer to their mate as "hubby", yet go ballistic when referred to as "wifey"?
Tessa 3 year s ago
Why is it when a pregnant woman gets on the train/bus, none of the seated women ever offers their seat to her? One would expect someone of the sisterhood who had experienced pregnancy themselves would be the most empathetic to the currently pregnant woman's plight. Yet, in complete opposition of gender equality, they insist a male be the one to give up their seat regardless if the male has a physical condition just as needful of being seated.
Roy 3 year s ago

i am not sure, in which country you live, but in western Europe, offering your seat is normal.
Mindie 3 year s ago
#2 - by clenching our stomach muscles

#3 - at 7, only when playing with it
at 13, every time i saw a pretty girl
at 25, when i saw someone i wanted to have sex with
at 35, when i saw someone 10 years younger than me that I wanted to have sex with
at 45, when i saw someone 20 years younger than me that I wanted to have sex with
at 52, when i see someone 30 years younger than me that I want to have sex with

#4 - i delete them because then I can't be sued for anything relating to them

#5 - it depends on how big you are and whether you want the teacher to see it

#6 - no, but if you're 10-20, your body will continue to produce sperm, and you'll leak it if you don't orgasm
and expel it

#7 - when you touch my hair

#8 - not if you're careful. If its above 80F, and they've dropped for cooling, you CAN sit on them, even in a
normal chair.

#9 - usually, hands. if she's a professional, vagina.

#10 - no, unless you get a 0-gauge steel Prince Albert, then it does.

#11 - yes. for a couple of reasons. 1) tight pants will cause you to feel pressure. 2) loose pants will cause
you to feel the additional weight.

#12 - that you don't need to ask us everything. for example, if you cook something, we'll eat it. you don't ha
ve to ask us what we want for dinner, we were with you at the grocery store when you bought it, or have seen it
in the refridgerator/pantry and know its going to be on the menu.

#13 - bullshit

#14 - yep, they're much more elastic than ours. penises and testicles fall out of thongs. standard panties
are just much softer than cotton briefs, but not silk boxers.

#16 - yes. i've had mine broken once. it sounded like breaking a ripe carrot. i was put on very light blood
thinners for 2 weeks to prevent clots, and was not allowed sex for 4 weeks, not even masturbation.

#16 - yes. this upsets my GF more than any of my personal bad habits.

#17 - doesn't bother me a bit, but I only date older women, or women between 17-22. the only one who called me daddy was a 22yo exotic dancer



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