These Orgasm Facts Will Grant You Infinite Satisfaction! (16 GIFS)

Posted in NSFW       1 Aug 2022       1969       1

Frequent orgasms can boost your health. 


Research suggests that orgasms provide a boost to your immune system.


Multiple orgasms are definitely real. 


Most women are capable of achieving more than one orgasm in a row. Men can also have multiple orgasms, though not as many as women can experience. 

For example, the most orgasms documented in an hour for a woman were 134, while only 16 for a man.


Ejaculation and orgasm are not synonymous.


Men can have an orgasm with or without ejaculation. Also, men aren’t the only ones who ejaculate during sex, women can too. Researchers found that the composition of female ejaculate is very similar to male ejaculate (without the sperm, obviously).


Anyone can experience a wet dream.


Wet dreams are not just something that occurs in males, as women can also experience nocturnal orgasms. 

Biologist and sexologist Alfred Kinsey — who founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University (now known as the Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction) — found that 37% of women had experienced wet dreams.


Both men and women can fake orgasms.


Though the orgasm gap is very real, a survey found that 25% of males reported faking at least one orgasm.


Some women reach orgasm solely by nipple stimulation.


Brain scanning studies have shown that nipple stimulation activates the same part of the brain as clitoral or vaginal stimulation.


The distance between the clitoris and the vaginal opening can predict how likely a woman will experience orgasm through vaginal penetration.


A rule of thumb: the shorter the distance from the clitoris to the vaginal opening, the more likely a woman will orgasm from penetration. Generally, if the distance is smaller than a thumb’s width, she will most likely reach orgasm — simply because the clitoris is more stimulated when closer to the action. 

If the distance is greater than that, don’t fret, just get those hands or a toy involved.


Exercise-induced orgasms are real.


Alfred Kinsey found that approximately 5% of people can have orgasms from exercise or high muscle tension. Sometimes called “coregasms,” more recent studies suggest the percentage of people who experience exercise-induced orgasms is even higher than the 5% reported in Kinsey’s study.


It takes men approximately 4 minutes to reach orgasm and approximately 10-20 minutes for women.


Obviously, this will vary from person to person, but that was the average length of time found by the Masters and Johnson research team — who pioneered research into the nature of human sexual response as well as the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions and disorders from 1957 to the 1990s.


To increase the odds of simultaneous orgasm during penile-vaginal intercourse, try the coital alignment technique. 


According to Sex and Psychology, “the positioning for coital alignment requires a shift forward by the male partner from the standard missionary position to the male ‘pelvic-override’ position, in which the base of the penis makes direct contact with the woman’s clitoris.”

The article continued, saying that this position “makes vaginal penetration with constant clitoral contact possible in coitus.”


In women, the part of the brain that processes pain is activated during orgasm.


Brain-imaging research has found that there is a significant link between pleasure and pain.


Some people can reach orgasm without any sexual stimulation.


Reports have revealed that some people can achieve orgasm with only their mind, by literally thinking themselves to orgasm. Others have reported experiencing orgasms during mundane activities, like brushing their teeth or touching their eyebrows.


You can increase your chance of orgasm by wearing socks during sex.


This factoid especially applies to women, according to an article in Bustle. A 2005 Dutch study found that only 50% of female participants who did not wear socks orgasmed, while those wearing socks reported 80% of participants reaching orgasm. The article attributed this uptick in sexual climax to the warmth of wearing socks.


Orgasms can cure hiccups.


Orgasms have been found to be an effective hiccup cure. This occurs because of how orgasms “interact with the vagus nerve and signal leakage that occurs between various body reflex functions,” according to Bustle.


On average, female orgasms last longer than male orgasms.


Male orgasms typically last between five and 22 seconds, with a maximum of 30 seconds, while female orgasms typically last 18-20 seconds.


1   Comment ?
King 2 year s ago
#6 Dude here. I had to fake it once awhile back. I was too drunk to finish, but it had gone on for too long and she wanted me to cum, so I pretended to pull out and jizz in my hand. I've also been so drunk, I passed out in the middle of after-party-sex ...with the same girl. PS- I don't drink anymore...



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