These Customs Are So Bizarre (15 PICS)

Posted in NSFW       3 Feb 2023       1792       1

In Spain, well, specifically in small towns of Northern Spain, there is a tradition known as El Colacho. This requires babies to be laid out on mattresses along the street who are then jumped over by a man dressed up as the devil. It’s supposed to ward off any potential evil.


While we in North America typically like to put our lost teeth under our pillows for the tooth fairy to buy, in Greece, it’s not uncommon for families to throw recently lost teeth onto the roof of their house.


You’ve heard of eating ass, well how about drinking ash? In parts of Brazil and Venezuela, when someone dies it is customary to cremate them and then mix their ashes into a plantain soup. The soup is then consumed by people attending the ceremony as a way to please the soul.


In the Czech Republic, the people like to celebrate the end of winter with Paleni Carodejnic, or, the burning of the witches. These little hillside parties consist of bonfires that see people throwing in brooms and effigies of witches. This is supposedly done to ensure that witches don’t wreak and havoc on them.


Some Spaniards take part in an odd tradition that involves the burial of a sardine and a full-on funeral procession of mourners.


A Filipino tradition known as Bayanihan involves people literally lifting up their entire home and moving it a considerable distance from where it was. This is often done during flood seasons as well.


Some parts of the Czech Republic have a tradition that takes place on Easter Monday and requires men to lightly slap the ass of women with a stick. This is done in an attempt to help them with fertility.


Though this tradition isn’t practiced as frequently anymore, it still is done on occasion. Romans would actually ‘feed’ their deceased loved ones by sending honey and other liquidized foods into their graves via a tube system.


In Denmark, if you’re single and over the age of 25 you may find yourself completely covered in cinnamon. When you hit the age of 30 and are still single, you get peppered with…well, pepper.


People eating monkeys. Naw, just fuckin’ with ya. This annual buffet tradition takes place in Lopburi, Bangkok, and features a bunch of monkeys that call the area home getting a lovely meal of over 3000 kgs of fruits and veggies.


In the Brazilian Satare Mawe tribe, you will find a tradition in which boys prove their manliness by placing their hands in basket-gloves filled with bullet ants. These ants, by the way, are known to have the most painful insect bite known to man.


In Spain you will find the biggest annual food fight on the planet. The Valencians in Bunol will spend hours tossing full on tomatoes at each other leaving what looks like a bloodbath behind.


When guests are first welcomed to the nation of Fiji, they are often served a drink known as ‘Kava.’ Kava is a cocktail made of roots and it is often served in a wooden bowl. The kicker is that in many countries, Kava is considered to be a narcotic.


Newlyweds in Indonesia traditionally get two of their teeth filled before the wedding. This is done in an attempt to keep away negative characteristics within each other such as greed, jealousy, liking their steaks well done, etc.


In India, there is a festival known as The Nag Panchami festival. In said festival, hundreds of snakes are paraded through the streets and worshiped at several temples. They are then covered in turmeric and red powder, then offered some honey and milk. King cobras also take part in this ritual. Ffuuuuuucckk.


1   Comment ?
Mal 1 year ago
I like this admin's sense of humor. Also, I think my next vacation's gonna be in Fiji, lol. (#13)



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