The photos in this post are of actors, rock stars, authors, and other celebrities in their very early years. They are very rare photos and have seldom been seen. Some of them are so old you may have some difficulty in recognizing them.
Rare Photographs of Celebrities (125 pics)
Rare Photographs of Celebrities. Part 2 (100 pics)
Rare Snapshots of Celebrities (74 pics)
Rare Photographs of Celebrities. Part 4 (93 pics)
Rare Photographs of Celebrities. Part 5 (133 pics)
Rare Photographs of Celebrities. Part 6 (104 pics)
Mick Jagger
This selection of different funny moments with people which will make you say “oops”. It is also much funnier when something like this happen to others ;)
You’ll see different continents and how they look at night. You’ll also see the difference of illumination.
I don’t know about you, but when I see Pamela Anderson today, I‘m not telling myself: “Damn, she’s so hot!”
But on the contrary, young (before plastic surgery madness) Pamela is just jaw-dropping!
I love smart ads with humor.
In this collection you’ll see it all.
Our previous posts with advertisements:
Funny Advertising Prints (40 pics)
Funny Advertising Prints. Part 2 (30 pics)
Another Set of Creative Ads (47 pics)
A Collection of Beautiful and Cool Ads (55 pics)
Someone was bored on the beach and decided to dig these giant footsteps… or may be King Kong took a stroll there :)
Big fans of Twilight are like any other extreme fans, they are people with a passion that goes beyond understanding and common sense for other people who don’t share the same obsession.
And as good Twilight fans as they are, they did not forget to decorate their bedroom with posters and other goodies from the popular vampire saga. Some people really have no life of their own…
Yep, I will never get how people (especially women) can be so obsesses with Twilight and the so called “one of the sexiest men in the world” Robert Pattinson, but as they say, to each their own!
Meet Debrahlee Lorenzana, banker at Citibank, until she was fired from there last summer.
She claims, that the reason is that her male colleagues couldn’t handle her good looks.
Humans have this annoying habit of messing with Mother Nature wherever they go, whether it's volunteer or not, the result is the same: nature always suffers from human activity.
It's been more than a month and a half now since the Explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig of the Gulf of Mexico and the oil leak has had more than plenty of time to reach the coasts of Louisiana and mess with nature.
Animals are obviously the first and very victims of the leak and we don't count all the seabirds, fish and other creatures caught in the dirty oil slick.
Very sad pictures of this drama await you inside the post...
After recycle bin and cooperation comics, here comes a set of plenty of different Korean comic strips. Some of them are funny, some of them are strange, others are simply priceless but in anyways, they all crack me up