If you thought celebrities didn’t insure their most prized possessions, their body parts, then check out this amazing list. These famous entertainers have taken insurance policies out on just about every body part imaginable.
Merv Hugles, cricket player
$317,000 Mustache
Check out these funny memes that take amusing pictures and slap “Meanwhile In” and a location or event on them. These situations and people were begging to be the stars of a meme.
Previous part:
Meanwhile in Different Countries. Part 2 (25 pics)
Even the hottest ‘80s chicks have got a bit older, but some of them still look really good. See which celebrities have changed the most over the past 30 years.
Jamie Lee Curtis
These are some vintage adult movie posters. Most of them were X-rated in there day, but would seem rather tame by today’s standards. However, some of them are classics.
This collection of funny, bizarre and unladylike girl pictures will have you wondering what has happened to the world’s young ladies.
Who knew that a horseracing event could attract so many drunken men and women and half naked ladies? Take a look at these images of the massive party that goes down each year at this world famous event.
Movies like to glamorize all kinds of activities, including making smoking into a cool pastime. According to a recent study, teenagers have a higher chance of lighting up if they see their favorite actors doing it in a movie. See some of the most famous and influential movie characters sucking on a cancer stick.
Marlene Dietrich in Angel (1937)