Tessa Boyea is a US Navy lieutenant who’s been serving for more than ten years. She is a fan of weightlifting and bodybuilding, and her biceps circumference is impressive 48 cm!
The burlesque show has been a regular event at Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino since 2015, but quarantine didn’t spare it. Now, as quarantine is being loosened, SEXXY is back in business.
"We've been fed perfection for so long. It's only going to get worse, with all the built-in video editing tools that Instagram and TikTok have, where it's easy to smooth your skin or shrink your nose in a single click," Danae Mercer says. That’s why she thinks we need to shout about normal bodies and body image constantly. It helps us remember that social media isn't real and that there's a whole lot more to feeling good about ourselves than a 10-second insta snap.
Internet users had a chance to ask all the spiciest questions and get every answer they wanted, as u/huggyzz revealed the other side of the industry.